HEAD COVERING - Kippah (plural Kippot)/ Yarmulke are the type of head covering Jewish men are most often thought to wear. However, other types of hats are also common in different communities, and women in orthodox communites are also expected to cover their hair after marriage. You can read about current jewish head coverings here, and a more historical perspective here.
HOLY BOOK - This is a strange turn of phrase to refer to Jewish men studying religious text. It could mean study of the TANAKH ( acronym of Torah, Nevi'im, Ketuvim), or study of the Talmud, or study of several other "Holy Books".
HEINRICH HEINE - A poet, writer, and literary critic, though he was especially know for hi lyric poetry, which was set to music. Heine was in fact born Jewish (as Fyedka believed), but converted to Protestantism out of necessity, and regretted his baptism. You can read about him here.
KOSHER - (from Hebrew meaning "proper"), typically refers to the Jewish dietary laws, some of which might be familiar to a non-Jewish individual (No pork products, no shellfish), and some of which might be unfamiliar, such as not mixing dairy and meat, to the extent that a truly kashered (gone through the process of ensuring kosher) kitchen will often have separate pots for milchig (dairy) and fleishig (meat) dishes. You can read about the very basics of what it means to keep kosher here.
KOPEK - 1/100th of a Ruble, the currency we typically think of for Russia.
L'CHAIM - (Literally "To Life!") A toast, used like "Cheers!". It also can be used as a noun, instead of a toast (since it is done in celebration, the act itself is a L'chaim