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MATCHMAKER- In Yiddish, Yente would be called a shadchnte. A male "matchmaker" would be called a shadchn. A brief overview of the Shadchan can be found here, from Chabad. Alternatively, an interview with a shadchnte can be found here

MAZELTOV- (literally, "good fortune"). Mazel tov is used as a congratulations in response to most good news, though some avoid it in the case of finding out someone is pregnant, out of caution to avoid the Evil Eye.

MITZVOT/MITZVOS - Plural of Mitzvah.  A mitzvah is a commandment (there are 613 mitzvot in Judaism, that are given in the Torah). Used more loosely, a mitzvah can refer to any good deed. To give charity is a mitzvah, so when Tevye gives Perchik cheese, by a blessing, he likely means it's a mitzvah to give. 


NAZDROVIA-  In the USA there is a misconception that Nazdrovia is the equivalent of "cheers". When receiving food or drink, na zdorovye is a sort of 'you're welcome'. Literally translated, it means "On your health!"  It is a strange thing to interject, but please reference the Zs to learn more about the wacky "Russian" used in this play. 

"NEXT YEAR IN JERUSALEM"- Yente references this phrase which is said at the end of Passover. You can read more about it here. 


NIGUN (or Niggun) - A song using repetitive syllables, such as lai-lai-lai/bai-bai-bai, bim-bim-bam, etc. Nigunim are common at the start of Jewish liturgical pieces, to familiarize the congretation with a melody. They are also used as a social piece of singing. My personal favorite is Niggun of the Birds by Shlomo Katz



PRAYER SHAWLS- the Tallis (Ashkenazi pronunciation) or Tallit (Sephardic/Modern Hebrew Pronunciation), are four cornered shawls with tassels in each corner (these tassels are called tzitzis/tzitzit). Today, most branches of Judaism only where tallitot during prayer. Tallis koton are garments worn under (or over) the clothes of some, usually Orthodox, Jewish men in everyday life. 


POGROM- This video talks about some of the Pogroms that happened in Imperial Russia. These were the precursor to more violent and aggressive pogroms. The definition of a pogrom is an organized, violent attack in persecution of an ethnic population, with either the goal of massacre or simply driving them out of an area (but generally massacre).

PALE OF SETTLEMENT- A geographic region in Imperial Russia where Jewish people were legally allowed to hold permanent residence. 



REB- Yiddish honorific derived from the word Rebbe (meaning Rabbi), used approximately as "Mister" is, though usually with a first name (see: Reb Tevye). This article offers some more in depth information, such as the fact that a person of lesser social status would be expected to use it with a person of higher status, but the person of higher status could elect not to use it in return. 

REST IN PEACE (RIP)- this is mentioned repeatedly, and while it has been a struggle to find a resource explicitly stating that this is a Christian phrase, it is, specifically Catholic. However, adding something to the end of someone's name (like Tevye uses RIP repeatedly), is something Jewish people do do, just with other phrases. Read about Jewish abbreviations and honoring of the dead here. 

© 2020 by Aleda Brokaw. This site was created for a class project.

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