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ANATEVKA A fictional shtetl located in the Pale of Settlement, likely in modern day Ukraine. It is the home of Tevye the Dairyman and his family. 

BASHERT - A concept related to that of a "soulmate"; someone who is predestined, fated, or otherwise ideal; a "match made in heaven". 

BLESSINGS -  The Rabbi is often asked for blessings, such as blessings for the tsar, or for Motel's sewing machine. Brachot (blessings) for food are most common, but there are brachot for other things! there is even a bracha for seeing a rainbow!) The person saying the bracha will not say amen (pronounced a-meyn), but the listeners will (this is a bit of a faux-pas on the rabbi's part in the text!).

BREAKING A GLASS BY STEPPING ON IT - This video covers this custom. Or, if you prefer to read, an explanation: Originally, this wedding tradition was meant to serve as a reminder that while there should be joy and revelry over the marriage, there should also be remembrance of the losses of the Jewish people and acknowledgement that the world still needs healing. The glass also serves as a representation of the possible fragility of human relationships. Lastly, it serves to seal the covenant of marriage, as covenants in Judaism are made by breaking or cutting something. 


CANOPY the wedding canopy refers to a Huppah;  a four cornered canopy held above a couple's head as they are married. If no canopy is available, a tallis/tallit/prayer shawl can be used instead. You can read more about them here.


DAILY PRAYERS-  In addition to brachot (blessings) for food (and other things! there is even a bracha for seeing a rainbow!), there are traditionally three times of day for daily prayers. You can read about them here. 




EASTERN WALL -  In Jewish tradition, the Eastern Gate to Jerusalem had direct access to the Temple. The Eastern Wall is therefore symbolic of being closer to the temple, which was destroyed.

EVIL EYE- This short video covers the Evil Eye. This article also covers it. 

"FROM YOUR MOUTH TO GOD'S EARS" -   "Fun zayn moyl, in Gots oyer." A Yiddish phrase, used to mean "May God hear what you said, and make it come true."

© 2020 by Aleda Brokaw. This site was created for a class project.

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